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Want a man? Don't stand around waiting for him to find you

Side view of a highheeld businesswoman stepping on businessman'sDear Harlan: There’s a man at work whom I’m interested in getting to know better. We work in the same building, but not in the same office. We have made friendly small talk here and there, but it doesn’t go anywhere. Is it wrong for me to express that I’m interested or should I wait for him to make a move. I’m not sure how to take things to the next level. – Moving

Dear Moving: And this is why you’re single. Want the truth? You’re too beautiful, interesting, attractive, dynamic and intriguing to stand around waiting. Any man who gets to participate in your life wins big.  Remember, intelligent and attractive women with good hygiene intimidate men. Good men don’t want to upset you by hitting on you. Make it safe for this man to make the next move by removing his fear of rejection. Once you make it clear that you’re interested in him, you can find out if he’s interested in you, taken, or gay. Suggest lunch, coffee or dinner. Tell him you enjoy talking to him. Make it clear it’s safe to like you. Then let him make the next move, or move on. Got it?

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